Editable thumbnails

Add custom thumbnails to webpage links on your padlet.

Graphic showing an old default thumbnail versus a new custom thumbnail.

We believe everything should be beautiful by default, but we don't always have control over that. Previously, when you added a webpage link to your padlet, the thumbnail image would default to what was provided by the website. Now, you can edit webpage thumbnails to your liking.

Say goodbye to random thumbnails

Sometimes, webpage thumbnails don’t look nice. For example, a link to Padlet’s Twitter profile shows a screenshot of the page.

Default thumbnails aren’t always pretty, like this link.

We’re giving you creative control. When you add a webpage link to your padlet, you can edit its thumbnail. This lets you decide how your links appear and helps maintain a cohesive look for your padlets.

The same webpage link but with a custom thumbnail.

More than just images

This feature goes beyond just image search. You have multiple options to customize your thumbnail:

  • Upload an image from your device
  • Search for an image online
  • Take a photo
  • Draw your own image
  • Add a GIF

This versatility allows you to choose the perfect visual representation for your links.

Who is it for?

The edit thumbnail feature is perfect for:

  • Teachers creating resource boards who want consistent visuals
  • Students making eye-catching presentations and projects
  • Anyone who wants to add clarity to their links
  • Anyone who appreciates beauty

Where can I access it?

You can find the edit thumbnail feature in just a few simple steps:

  1. Start a new post on your padlet
  2. Add a webpage link
  3. Click the "Edit thumbnail" button
Steps to add a webpage link and edit its thumbnail.

You can also edit existing thumbnails. Find the post you want to edit, then click edit thumbnail.

Steps to edit the thumbnail of an existing webpage link.

This feature is available on any padlet where you have permission to post.

When is it available?

The edit thumbnail feature is available immediately on the web version of Padlet.

What's next?

  • Mobile support, so you can edit thumbnails on the go from your smartphone or tablet
  • A built-in photo editor so you can crop and rotate photos directly within the thumbnail editor

We hope you use this feature to make your padlets even more visually appealing and informative. Give it a try, and let us know what you think!