Padlet pricing goes global
Padlet now offers localized pricing to every country and region with even a single padleteer.

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Padlet is for everyone. People have used Padlet to learn, build communities, and make the world a better place in 231 countries and regions. We appreciate every padleteer from every corner of the globe, and we’re rolling out a new pricing model that is fair to all.
Previously, Padlet offered unique localized pricing for many of Earth's most populous countries. But not all. The rest of the world defaulted to U.S. pricing.
This was unfair. We fixed it. Pricing is now dynamic and equitable in every country and region with even a single padleteer. Members can log in and see their localized pricing from their Billing page. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can see your options on our Membership page.
Unfortunately, we do not yet offer unique pricing for padleteers living on the moon, Mars, Saturn, or any other celestial body in our solar system. We hope to incorporate these territories into our pricing model in the future. We encourage you to accelerate this timeline by using Padlet to facilitate technological advancement.
All joking aside, we’re proud to introduce a pricing system that reflects our attitude toward our broad diversity of padleteers: everyone is welcome.