Template gallery
Browse over 250 templates in an organized, searchable gallery.

We originally designed templates to help you decide what to build, and show you how to build it.
If every padlet is a sandbox, you can think of each template as a blueprint for a specific sandcastle. Instead of starting from scratch and inventing something from nothing, each template offers a specific possibility with detailed design instructions.
We started with 100 templates, but we've now built over 250. As the number of templates grew, we created a new problem: With so many available templates, how could anyone decide which to use?
Our answer is the Template gallery.
Find the template that will best serve you
The Gallery’s 254 templates are organized by category and usage.
If you’re a teacher, you can select education, and look for templates that were built for teachers. If you’re in business, you can select business. If you’re open to anything, you can stay in general.

If you want to use Padlet for a specific task or activity, like note-taking, presentations, or research, you can filter by one or more categories from the sidebar on the left.
Template previews
Once you decide on a template that might be right for you, you can hover over the template image to read a description that describes how the template will be useful.

If that isn’t enough to convince you, selecting a template will open a live preview that displays a real example of a padlet made from that template.

If you select “See example” you’ll get to open the example padlet and take a look for yourself.
Start building
If the padlet is a sandbox, and the template is a blueprint, you can think of the gallery as a neatly ordered and aesthetically pleasing warehouse full of blueprints.
Use the Gallery to decide what you want to create today.