Total recall recents
The Recents tab has been relocated and redesigned to contain every padlet you’ve visited in the last thirty days.

The fallibility of memory is one of mankind’s greatest weaknesses. Especially given the significance of memory to a person’s sense of self, the fact that so much of what we experience is lost or warped in the attempted act of remembrance is downright tragic. What went through my mind the first time I saw the love of my life all those years ago? What were my father’s last words to me? Where did I leave my keys? Innumerable questions such as these plague us as a species. The good news is that you have one fewer question to worry about: what was that padlet I was just looking at?
Your Recents tab has a new home and a new function. The Recents tab will now contain every padlet you’ve visited in the past 30 days. You can find the Recents tab next to your profile icon.
If you’re grading your students’ padlet homework assignments, scanning through movie recommendation padlets, or trying to find inspiration in the Padlet gallery, you can always go back and find that one elusive padlet you were looking for.