The 2024 summer release
The noteworthy new features from our 2024 summer release.

Padlet Sandbox
A sandbox is a collaborative digital canvas with tools for drawing, writing, and adding media. Sandbox includes all the features of Google Jamboard. We’ve also built an importer so you can convert your jamboards into sandboxes within minutes.

Flip features
Try Padlet as an alternative to Microsoft Flip. You can record and upload videos, easily share your board, and leave comments.

Video comments
Comment with a video for better discussions, language practice, and feedback. You can record a video from your padlet, upload an MP4, or search for a YouTube video.

When you upload a video or audio to Padlet, we will automatically transcribe it and add captions.

AI-powered Teaching Assistant
When you use an AI recipe, Teaching Assistant will help you improve and modify your padlet board. Available for teachers, admins, and owners in Padlet for Schools, Classroom, or School Library accounts.

Gradebook and grade passback
Grade student posts from your padlet and sync grades to your LMS. Gradebook is available on padlets created by teachers or admins in Classroom or Padlet for Schools accounts.

Anonymous attribution
Unregistered contributors will now be assigned an avatar and a unique, changeable name, making it easier to follow discussions and identify individual voices. No need to sign up for an account.

Editable thumbnails
Add custom thumbnails to webpage links on your padlet. Upload an image, search for images and GIFs online, take a photo, or add a drawing.

Text-to-speech attachment
Talk for me lets you add AI-generated audio to your posts in over 40 languages. Add up to 1000 characters of text, and Talk for me will generate an audio recording for you.

Schedule your padlet to freeze or unfreeze up to a year in advance.

Improvements to Safety Net
We’ll automatically block inappropriate image, video, and audio comments so you can collaborate safely.

Better social media previews
We launched new social media preview images. When you share your padlet or Padlet profile page, enjoy a more beautiful preview.
Improvements to maps
We improved the design for adding posts to maps, editing a post's location field, and connecting posts on maps and canvases.
Next feature release: Fall 2024
Our next set of new features will arrive this fall.