The 2024 spring release

The noteworthy new features from our 2024 spring release.

4 stamps atop a lavender background
The Padlet Spring Release has arrived

AI-guided discussion boards

Co-create engaging discussion boards with AI. The AI generates suggestions that you can reject, edit, or approve, giving you complete control while benefiting from its creative input.

A screenshot of an AI protrait over a lavender background
Use AI as a creative partner

Share a link that automatically generates a copy of your padlet on the recipient's account. Auto-remake links make it easy to distribute individual worksheet padlets to students without manual copying or coordination.

An illustration of auto-remake links over a lavender background
Auto-remake links generate copies without impacting the original

Add images to comments

Add images to comments to facilitate collaboration, communicate ideas, or share funny memes. Draw pictures, upload files, add GIFs, take photos, or generate AI images with the new comment attachment picker.

A screenshot of a comment with an image over a lavender background
A comment with an image

Number, date, single-select, and button fields

These fields require certain answer types and offer custom auto-formatting for responses. Whether you're conducting surveys, collecting RSVPs, or organizing information, custom fields make structured data collection easy.

A screenshot of a post with four custom fields over a lavender background
A post with four custom fields

Improvements to Safety Net: auto-moderation for images and video

Safety Net, Padlet's AI-powered moderation assistant, can now detect and block harmful content in images and videos. Padlet for Schools administrators can customize moderation standards to align with their school's policies.

A screenshot of two photos over a lavender background
A visual illustration of Safety Net's standards

Upgraded attachment picker

The new attachment picker has better buttons, faster previews, and a beautiful background. Enjoy keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation and optional prompts to guide visitors on what to post.

A screenshot of Padlet's new attachment picker over a lavender background
Padlet's new attachment picker

Major updates to accessibility

We added focusable disabled buttons, better landmarks, alt text for images, and a "Skip to content" link. These updates ensure a smoother, more inclusive experience for those who rely on screen readers or navigate using a keyboard.

A screenshot of an illustrated man over a lavender background
Padlet is more accessible

Required fields

You are now able to require visitors to fill out certain fields before publishing posts. You can require that visitors fill out the subject, body, or any custom fields you’ve added.

Transfer padlets between workspaces

Many of you use Padlet personally and professionally. It's good to keep these accounts separate, but sometimes it's valuable to transfer padlets back and forth. You can now transfer padlets between workspaces.

New visitor permission role: Commenter

Visitors with the "Commenter" permission role will only be able to comment on posts. They will not be able to add or edit new posts. Along with this update, anyone with the “Reader” permission will now no longer be able to comment.

Next feature release: Summer 2024

Our next set of new features will arrive in the Summer.