Product Visual and sound effects for sandboxes Use special effects to create interactive presentations and activities.
Product Choose which tools appear in your sandbox Help focus your collaborators by deciding which tools they can access.
Product Improvements to the video recorder Keep video submissions focused and fun with time limits and AR filters.
Product Auto-remake links for Sandbox Turn any sandbox into a template that makes instant copies for participants.
Product Export and embed your sandbox Save your sandbox as an image or PDF, or showcase it on your website.
Product New shapes and connectors for sandbox Create better flowcharts, mind maps, family trees, and more.
Product AI-powered Teaching Assistant When you use an AI recipe, Teaching Assistant will help you improve and modify your padlet board.
Product Featured Introducing Padlet Sandbox: Digital Canvas and Jamboard Alternative Whiteboard, create lessons, and design activities using drawing, writing, and media.
Product Introducing gradebook and grade passback Grade student posts from your padlet and sync grades to your LMS.
Product Text-to-speech attachment Talk for me lets you add AI-generated audio to your posts in over 40 languages.
Product Add videos to comments Comment with a video for better discussions, language practice, and feedback.
Product Auto-captions for video and audio uploads When you upload a video or audio to Padlet, we will automatically transcribe it and add captions.
Product Using Padlet as a Flip alternative Try Padlet as an alternative to Microsoft Flip. Record and upload videos, easily share your board, and leave comments.
Product Add images to comments Comment with an image to facilitate collaboration, communicate ideas, or share funny memes.
Product Major updates to accessibility Focusable disabled buttons, optional keyboard shortcuts, “Skip to content” link, and much more.
Product Number, date, single-select, and button fields New ways to collect and organize posted content on Padlet.
Product Upgraded attachment picker Our new attachment picker has better buttons, shows previews faster, and looks prettier.
Product Manage users through Google for Education Padlet for Schools administrators can now create accounts and assign roles through the Google Admin portal.
Product Clever, OneRoster, and ClassLink roster integration Manage user access to Padlet with Clever, ClassLink, and OneRoster integrations.